Something is different in Hiroshima this GW*. Iwakuni Friendship Day 🇺🇸🤝🇯🇵 by MCAS was moved from 5/5 to 4/15. Flower Festival, our largest festival conventionally held between 5/3-5/5, has changed its dates to early June. This means, Hiroshima city and its vicinity are not like it used to be before. We have no large-scale events during the GW (except the Minato Matsuri festival in Kure on 4/29). I’m wondering how many local residents are aware of this change; what this difference brings to the city in the long term.

Unfortunately I can’t witness how the excitement and lively atmosphere change, as I have to work latter half of the week, but I hope the city remains as lively as ever, with influx of visitors and local residents who go out to the downtown. At least, I see a great crowd of people in the city today.

*GW… Golden Week, a week from April 29 to early May having multiple Japanese holidays in between.

The picture is beautiful azalea nearby Hiroshima Peace Park.

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