Workplace Culture or Lessons learned from Workplace

I occasionally use a shared office and got to go there for some paperwork yesterday. An elderly gentleman, whom I sometimes see there, gave me a thin booklet called 職場の教養, something like Workplace Culture or Lessons learned from Workplace. It includes a number of short journals that describe behavioral guidelines, good work relationships with colleagues; work productivity; addressing of mistakes or those similar themes, followed by one piece of little advice in each article. Honestly, they are not all practical or not what you feel like incorporating every time, as they often seem pushy, but I still find some of them interesting and a good reading. As a freelancer translator, I have lots of chance to get to know clients, peers, and to interact and produce something together with them but remotely in most cases, which is a different environment from what you are supposed to be put into when you work at a company, where you meet your colleagues and work together every day. So, an opportunity to remind myself of some lessons learned from workplace through the booklet gave me somewhat a fresh feeling…