From west to east and then to west. As in-person events have well resumed, I’ve already got hundreds of 🗣 in-person interpreting requests/availability checks including the project arrangements since the beginning of the year (really!), which is unusual for me looking back the last few years. Now I’m in Tokyo for a 2-week business trip. It was an honor for me to join my client at their exhibit as an interpreter, from whom I usually receive translation projects. Those few days were pretty tough but I gained lots of great practical experiences as well as real technical knowledge & insights on site, which I wouldn’t be able to learn / get aware only from translation projects. It was also a good chance to directly communicate with their engineer members for deeply technical questions. 🧑‍💻

I’ve found how effective and practical it is to do both translation and interpreting for the same clients/industries so that there’s eventually a synergy in understanding them much better and more clearly. I’m
very sure that the experience of those few days will help me brush up my translation of their documents next (and actually did already for their small one last night!).

They were so supportive e.g. providing me many related materials 📑 for preparation and giving briefing that I was able to perform okay but there’s also many items I should reflect on and make good use of it next time. So though the project is over for now, I’d review my work and practice for next occasions 💪

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